Contemporary psychedelic research and theory is bringing a new level of inquiry into such psychoanalytic concepts as narrative identity, defense mechanisms, transitional phenomena, implicit relational knowing, and early attachment. Psychoanalytic theory and practice can shed light on psychedelic therapy concepts such as the inner healer, connection, ego death, spiritual, unitive, and challenging experiences. We will read relevant papers from contemporary writers from both the psychoanalytic and psychedelic fields, with the intention of understanding psychedelic experience and therapy using the psychoanalytic framework. In turn, we will inquire into the ways contemporary psychedelic research and theory may bring about a revision or extension of contemporary psychoanalytic theory. An experiential component of the course integrated with the readings invites us to share our reactions to select pieces of music, art, film, and poetry as states of absorption that enable contact with experiences similar to those facilitated by the use of psychedelic medicines.
In addition to reading and discussion, students will be encouraged to develop a project of particular interest to them, and the class will be a forum for sharing and deepening ideas.
A limited number of Diversity Fund scholarships are available, please complete this application, in addition to the course application.